Inviting member

Invite member to blog

Inviting members to your Team Blog is a straightforward process, and there are two ways to invite members.

The first way is by creating invitation links and specifying the role, either editor or contributor, with the link.

The second way is by inviting a member by searching for their Hashnode username, name or email.

On the members tab on your dashboard on a team blog, you’ll find the invite link card, which needs to be switched on to create invitation links for invitees to join your blog.

When you turn on the invite link toggle, you’ll be prompted to create the invite link. Choose the role and set the usage limit—selecting “Unlimited” allows multiple invitees to use the link to join your blog. You can also set an expiry date, specifying when the link will no longer be valid.

To invite members while using for their username, name or email, click on the invite member button on the Members tab on your dashboard.

A modal shows up, where you can search for a user you’d like to add to your team blog, select their role and send an invite.

Pending invites appear under the “Pending invites” tab until the user accepts the invitation to the team blog.

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