AI Sidekick

Hashnode AI Sidekick is your personal research and writing assistant, built right into our editor. It understands the context of your draft and can search the web for relevant information, so you no longer have to switch between your editor and a search engine.

You can ask it anything—from optimizing your article’s title and rewriting your introduction to making your content SEO-friendly and researching helpful tips online.

Powered by the GPT-4 model, AI Sidekick is available for free to all Hashnode writers, helping you create better content effortlessly.

How to access AI Sidekick

To access the AI sidekick from the editor, you either click on the AI Sidekick icon at the beginning of the page (circled in the image below) or use the shortcut Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + K.

When the AI Sidekick icon is clicked, or the shortcut Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + K is entered, the AI Sidekick research assistant will be displayed as shown below:

Here are some use cases:

  • Generate an X (formerly Twitter) thread based on my article.

  • Create a LinkedIn post from the draft.

  • Generate a TLDR.

  • Suggest improvements to my article.

  • Suggest tags and keywords.

  • Spot spelling and grammar errors in the draft.

Aside from the mentioned use cases above, feel free to ask any question related to your drafts or generally on the web.

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