AI Slash Commands

Easily create a structured article outline with Hashnode AI.

AI Slash Commands in the Hashnode Editor offer powerful shortcuts to enhance your writing experience. Designed to streamline content creation, these commands allow you to quickly access key AI features. With just a few keystrokes, you can generate an article outline, summarize your content, or create code snippets—all within the Hashnode Editor.

You can use the AI slash command to access our editor AI capabilities, which include generating article outlines, summarizing articles, and generating code snippets.

Enter the /ai command in the editor to trigger the AI operation dialog as shown below:

The AI command includes three operations discussed below:

  • Generate article outline: This generates an outline based on the headings h1, h2, h3, and h4 that are available within your draft or article.

  • Summarize article: This will summarize your entire article into fewer paragraphs.

  • Generate Code: This will generate code snippets based on the prompts you provided.

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