How to Enable or Disable Newsletter Service on your Blog?

These are the steps to set up a newsletter service for your Hashnode blog. You can refer to this guide to see how the process works.

Active Newsletter Service

  1. Navigate to your blog's dashboard and click on the "Newsletter" tab visible on the left side panel.

  2. Click on the Activate service button to activate the newsletter service, as shown below.

    Once activated, here are the ways your readers can subscribe to your newsletter.

    Method 1: An icon linking to your newsletter signup form will be added to your blog's header, visible on both the home page and article pages.

    Method 2: Readers can also subscribe to your newsletter by filling out the newsletter form that appears at the bottom of each article page, as shown in the example below.

    Your subscribers will begin to appear on your dashboard after they start signing up and confirming their subscriptions.

Disable Newsletter Service

On the newsletter tab on the dashboard, scroll down to see the Disable newsletter service button.

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