The Guide Editor is where you perform every edit to your Hashnode documentation. With real-time editing and reviewing, your team can collaborate in a single editor. Its user-friendly interface allows for easy formatting, image insertion, and linking to resources, ensuring your documentation is both informative and visually appealing. Also, the editor offers versioning and permissions control for robust documentation management.
The Guide Editor is split into two sections: Sidebar and Editor.
The sidebar is where you create pages and sections, add external links, switch between different guides and versions of your documentation, and update the guide settings. When the guide is published, the pages and sections added to the guide appear as your documentation navigation.
The editor is where you write your content, and add different blocks, such as Card, Card group, Accordion, Steps e.t.c. Also, on the editor view, you can edit the page settings, view preview, publish page and publish your guide.